If you live in Florida, you know about the FCAT. Here is a great site to have your children study along with any youth groups or tutoring program.
Have them master reading comprehension! That's important and actually is the decision maker as to their promotion. Also have them read non-fiction books. Read every night and have them write a summary of what they read. You can even do that with anything that they watch on t.v.
I tell my son the only way he can watch wrestling is if he can write about what happened afterwards.
He saids, DEAL!:) It even inspired him to write a wrestling blog..
Click here to read Joshua's Wrestling Blog
Remember less time watching t.v. and playing games and more time reading. Make it fun. Go to the library together. Take turns reading with your child. Set an example. When you read, your children will want to read.
SoYouWanna patent something?
14 years ago